equipment for the cafe
Cafe as business

Choose equipment for the cafe

To understand how to equip a cafe more economically – scour the prices of equipment. You need to know at least two prices for each piece of equipment to understand where it is cheaper. When opening a café, you need to know how to save money! Also, do not forget about the option of buying used. But here it is worth remembering about the wear and tear of the equipment, and its subsequent modernization.

We advise even at the stage of ordering equipment to request additional discounts for volume from a particular supplier of furniture, kitchen equipment, etc. Carefully fill out the contract for the supply of equipment. Your task is to minimize the presence of such “pitfalls” in the final version of the contract.

Find suppliers for the cafe

Quality products are the key to a successful kitchen, and if you add unique dishes to that, it makes a great “foundation” for your cafe. Don’t settle for the cheapest or what you think are good deals from cafe food suppliers. It’s better to find a couple of decent farmers who will charge a higher price, but your food will be known all over town. Plus, you can also mention it on the menu. And even the alcohol can not order from major suppliers, if you can find access to local producers of craft beer or wine. Which will only increase the demand and interest of your visitors.

When signing a contract with any suppliers, remember the most important thing – always reserve the right to cooperate with other suppliers, especially if that supplier cannot guarantee you stable prices.

“Two factors matter when choosing a supplier: the product and the attitude. If a company cares about its product, gives it time, attention, money, and is loyal and open to its partners, then even the price in this case does not matter. I am willing to overpay for incoming prices in return for quality and attitude.